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Post: Blog Post Gallery
  • alexandramcdonald


Wow. I woke up this morning, and it was still dark out- not a big surprise- but the sun didn't rise until almost 7am! Fall has arrived. I feel so excited and fresh now this I have this blog up and running and with such a great response! (Shout out and big thanks to all of you subscribers!) I keep thinking to myself "Am I crazy for trying to launch a blog during the all dooming year of 2020?" But the answer is NOPE. It's something I have been wanting to do and it makes me happy in a time where things are too stressful and the majority is out of my control. This is just a new form of self care.

Speaking of self care, I love waking up before the kids because it gives me time to have my coffee, relax, stretch and properly begin my day. I do some of my best thinking during this time. (Have you ever been rudely awoken by a toddler pulling your hair? No thank you very much.) And bonus, I can actually read more than 2 pages of a magazine or book with out my wild man ripping it out of my hands and teething on it. (And no, I'm not talking about Timy! Haha) My almost one year old son, Wilder is a force to be reckoned with. He keeps me on my toes and it's amazing how much I can actually get done in a day while also cursing the creators of "childproof" things and why they didn't make them "Wild-proof". Anyway I digress..

I am hoping this forum will be inspiring and fun for everyone. I've created this so I can share my thoughts, my recipes, my favorite likes (& minimal dislikes) and hope for feedback!!! Configuring the layout and such of a webpage isn't my forte but I will try my best! But most of all, it gives me balance during my day between helping my son with online school (curse you Covid because I am no teacher), chasing my Wild Child, and I get to do things I love. Recipe testing, picture taking and focusing on food! I feel fortunate that even though my days are busy but I get to spend them at home.

Happy Hump Day.


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3 commentaires

23 sept. 2020

Morning! The mornings sun is getting late in the east too, and much chillier. I have four kids all school age so am working remote to start the week while juggling meets and school work so I hear you on the struggle but we try our best to stay positive!! Have a great hump day!


23 sept. 2020

Thank you so much for following along!! ✨


23 sept. 2020

Love your passion and energy the life translated through food to help create love, joy and bring balance. Can’t wait for more! Cheers and congratulations! 🎊🎉🍾

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