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Allow me to introduce myself..

My name is Alexandra and I am a food LOVER, among other things. I am a full time BoyMom to my adventurous, tenacious, wild and crazy sons. I'm married to my best friend and biggest supporter, Timy, whom I am certain you will hear more about through my posts because we cook together (he is the grill master & butcher extraordinaire), plan meals together and he is, of course, my main Taste Tester! After years and years working in restaurants all around Massachusetts; greater Boston and Nantucket- I've learned so much about regional and seasonal ingredients. It really opened my eyes (and mouth) to trying dishes and preparations I never would have. It sparked something inside of me that I knew was always there. A passion for food. A greater passion for being creative and using my hands to make something tangible out of love for people I love.

My family and I made a big move from Nantucket to Colorado about 4 years ago. I am definitely someone who ties certain times and life experiences to different meals I have eaten, favorite places and restaurants I have been to. I get nostalgic to recreate past feelings through food. For example, The Big E. If you're from New England and haven't heard of The Big E, you've clearly been living under a rock. This is a huge expo of carnival rides, entertainment, local agriculture, (a splash of redneck culture while you're at it) and FOOD. So naturally, instilled in me, every September I have an urge to make loaded baked potatoes, fried dough, kettle corn, and blueberry muffins, like they serve in the Maine Building. I want to deep fry everything and spin around like I'm on the Gravitron until I almost puke. Well, that last part isn't really true but I was a big fan of the Zipper and yes- it always almost made me queasy. I loved it.

Starting this new venture in the beginning of fall feels so right. My favorite seasons are approaching and I feel renewed turning a new leaf (autumn pun intended) saying goodbye to summer and hello to cooler weather. I have ate my weight in corn on the cobb and fresh, ripe tomatoes of all shapes and colors and feel satisfied. I am gladly sending off the hot days and inviting the cool, crisp days and chilly nights. I can have a pot of chicken stock simmering on the stove all day and not be sweltering! Don’t even get me started on Atkins Farm Apple Cider Donuts.. more to come about that. But, Yay for Fall!

So here I am, inviting you to follow along. I warn you- I am not the most poetic, descriptive writer in the world but I know good food and promise to deliver with recipes you'll drool over and pictures to inspire you. I am looking forward to sharing everything I create from gooey chocolate indulgences, rich french stews, healthy Whole30 recipes and classics like Whole Roasted Chicken. My Italian background is like the old wallpaper in the house you want to modernize but there are too many layers to peel off. It shows up in almost every dish I cook. Usually in the form of garlic. Is there anything better than smelling onions & garlic cooking on the stove?! I think not.

Please enjoy, engage, and eat your hearts out. I love getting feedback and sharing recipe tips. I am constantly learning and pushing myself to mix unlikely ingredients together and I encourage you to do the same! Now, Lets Eat!!!


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